Advisement & Course Planning
If you need any assistance registering for our courses, please to go:
Successful undergraduate studies in Physics & Astronomy start with planning ahead your courses.
- First make sure to check the Degree Requirements from the GSU Undergraduate Catalog. You must satisfy the degree requires for the catalog in effect when you began the Physics BS program. The previous link is for the 2020-2021 Catalog and appropriate for new students or anyone changing majors to Physics. If you are a current GSU Physics major, please refer to the appropriate catalog edition found at
- An overview of the Physics BS requirements is found HERE.
- All physics majors must complete a concentration. By default all majors are placed in the Standard Program, which offers a broad preparation in physics and astronomy. Other concentrations allow students to focus their program in a particular direction such as Astronomy, BioPhysics, Pre-Medicine, GeoPhysics, Computer Science, Applied Physics, or Teacher Education. Sample 4-year schedules for each of these concentrations are linked below. Each schedule of courses represents just one of many possible sequences and does not include taking any summer courses or any AP/IB credits students may have. Adjustments must be made for students who cannot take 15-17 hours per semester.
- Our current undergraduate course schedule can be viewed here.
- Students should seek advisement early in their undergraduate career to help meet prerequisites and take full advantage of opportunities in the Physics & Astronomy Program. Here are the contact details for our advisors:
- Physics Major Advisor: Dr. Mukesh Dhamala, mdhamala [at]
- Lower Division Undergraduate Physics Courses (Phys1111/1112/2211/2212): Dr. Sumith Doluweera, ddoluweera [at]
- Lower Division Undergraduate Astronomy Courses (Astr1000/1010/1020/1500): Dr. Ben McGimsey, bmcgimsey [at]