Deborah Gulledge, 1st yearPhD Subject: Seismology of Gas Giants Details on current research: Deborah is currently measuring reflected Solar light from Jupiter and Saturn’s clouds to detect their oscillations, providing a way to probe their interiors and search for a solid core. What I love about GSU Astronomy: I love how welcoming the GSU Astronomy department is! I’ve only been here for a semester, and I already feel at home. The department really cares about the students as individuals and about helping them succeed, both in research and obtaining the best education possible. |
Deborah Gulledge |
Mitchell Revalski |
Mitchell Revalski, 5th yearNSF Graduate Research Fellow PhD Subject: Quantifying Feedback from Narrow Line Region Outflows in Nearby Active Galaxies Details on current research: Mitchell uses observations from the Hubble Space Telescope to understand “galaxy winds” that may play an important role in controlling the evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes. Why GSU Astronomy: I am able to tackle this project thanks to the resources and guidance available in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University. We have access to telescopes around the world to obtain new data on the galaxies we are studying, while the faculty serve as expert mentors to guide us through our research and train us as next-generation researchers. More details on Mitchell’s research can be found here. |